Offers and campaigns
Two menus for the price of one
During 11.3. – 12.4.2025 two eat Sinne´s flavorful special menu for the price of one! The offer is valid from Tuesday to Friday at 17.00 – 21.00 and on Saturdays at 12.00 – 16.30. The offer requires advance booking and advance payment.
Menu 59 €/2 people
Smooth Jerusalem artichoke soup with roasted cashew nuts (L, G, incl. nuts)
Miso-glazed pork fore loin, garlic and potato purée, and XO-sauce á la Sinne (L, G, incl. crustaceans)
Grilled beetroot with cashew cream and einkorn from Malmgård (VEG)
Crème brûlée with almond crumble and blood orange sorbet (L, incl. almond)
Please note that it is not possible to exchange portions of the offer menu for another portion, modify or order an odd quantity.
Mother´s Day Brunch 11.5.2025
Welcome to Sinne´s traditional Mother´s Day Brunch! We serve brunch in three seatings: at 11 am – 1 pm, 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm and 4 pm – 6 pm.
Adults 58 €
Children 4-12 years old 29 €
Children under 4 years old free of charge
Caesar-salad, bacon and parmesan (L)
Fresh green salads, crispy root vegetables and sea-buckthornvinaigrette (VEG,G)
Salad with asparagus, light miso, potato and egg (L,G)
Mozzarella, basil and tomato (G)
Tuna ceviche (L,G)
Warm-smoked salmon with chive cream (L,G)
Herring flavoured with garlic (L,G)
Herring flavoured with gin and juniper berry (L,G)
Baltic herring flavoured with dill and onion (L,G)
Baltic herring flavoured sea-buckthorn (L,G)
Baltic herring flavoured with tar (L,G)
Air dried ham with romesco (L, G)
Spring potatoes with dill butter (L,G)
Bread selection and butter (L)
White asparagus with mushroom pie and Hollandaise sauce (L,G)
Oven-roasted whitefish with einkorn from Malmgård and lemon yoghurt (L,G)
Grilled beef cheek with grilled spring cabbage and Bearnaise sauce (L,G)
For children: Meatballs á la Sinne with mashed potatoes (L)
Strawberry and rhubarb Swiss roll (L, G)
Finnish cheeses and seasonal compote (L, G)
Marmalade sweets and chocolate kisses from Brunberg (L, G)
Coffee and tea
Easter brunch 18.4. – 21.4.2025
from Friday 18.4. to Monday 21.4.
at 12.00-16.00
(please arrive at 15.00 at the latest)
Adults 48 €
Children 4-12 years old 24 €
Children under 4 years old free of charge
From the buffet:
Fresh green salads and passion fruit vinaigrette (V, G)
Rose flavoured beetroots and goat´s cheese (V, G)
Caesar salad with spring cabbage (L, G)
Mint cream and parsnip (L, G)
Broccoli and truffle mayonnaise (L, G)
Roasted carrot, miso and spinach (V, G)
Basil-marinated tomatoes (L, G)
Veal steak and romesco (L)
Champignon mushrooms marinated with red wine (V, G)
Sinne´s hummus (V, G)
Dill flavoured boiled potatoes (L, G)
Sour dough bread (V)
Archipelago bread (L)
Butter (L, G)
Lamb in two ways, boletus ragu and garlic sauce (L)
Green asparagus with “truffle dumpling” and tomato vinaigrette (L, G)
For children: Meat balls á la Sinne with mashed potatoes (L)
Chocolate cake and vanilla cream (L)
Pasha (L, G)
Brunbergs candies (L, G)
Fresh juices
Flavoured ice waters
Kipinä coffee from Tolkkinen and tea
Menus for groups
We give 10 % discount of normal menu prices for 3 and 6 course menus when group size is at least 8 people and all choose the same menu. Allergies and vegetarians are catered separately. Group discount requires a joint payment.
We are happy to open our restaurant during lunch time/outside our opening hours when there are minimum 10 people attending. Requests for lunch please contact myynti@nordicravintolat.fi
Private room
Restaurant has a private room for dining for 8 people. Private room can also function as a meeting room and screen is available upon request.
Private events
We are happy to serve bigger groups and our restaurant can be reserved for private events for up to 90 people as well. At Bistro Sinne you can celebrate weddings, host a corporate dinner or have for example a pre-christmas party!
Please contact our sales service myynti@nordicravintolat.fi if you would like to make a reservation!
1st of May Brunch 2025
Welcome to Sinne´s beloved “1st of May Brunch” on Thursday 1st of May! We serve brunch in three seatings: at 11 am – 1 pm, 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm and 4 pm – 6 pm.
Adults 54 €
Children 4-12 years old 27€
Children under 4 years old free of charge
Shrimps Skagen (L,G)
Caesar-salad, bacon and parmesan (L)
Fresh green salads and sprouts from Ahlberg and rhubarb vinaigrette (L,G)
Zucchini, bell pepper, olives and feta cheese and Greek yoghurt (L,G)
Mozzarella with basil and tomatoes (G)
Fenne-cured salmon with akvavit- and mustard-sauce (L,G)
Herring flavoured with garlic (L,G)
Herring flavoured with gin and juniper berry (L,G)
Baltic herring flavoured with dill and onion (L,G)
Baltic herring flavoured sea-buckthorn (L,G)
Baltic herring flavoured with tar (L,G)
Cured beef from Tyysteri with chimichurri sauce (L,G)
Spring potatoes with dill butter (L,G)
Bread selection and butter (L)
Asparagus risotto with tomato and parmesan (L,G)
Lightly smoked Arctic char with warm potato salad and hollandaise sauce (L,G)
For children: Sinne´s meatballs with mashed potatoes
Finnish cheeses and seasonal compote (L,G)
Lime posset, rhubarb and rosemary compote and meringue (L,G)
Doughnuts á la Sinne with sea-buckthorn cream (L)
Coffee or tea
A la carte
A la carte
4.3. – 3.5.2025
ANKKA 16 €
Ankkarilletteä, ankanmaksamoussea, hunajaglaseerattua briossia ja appelsiinivinegretti
Ankrillette med anklevermousse honungsglaserad brioche och apelsinvinägrett
Duck rillette with duck liver mousse, honey-glazed brioche and orange vinaigrette
Inkiväärillä ja sitruunaruoholla maustettu siikaceviche, perunasipsejä ja limehyytelöä
Sikceviche smaksatt med ingefära och citrongräs, potatischips och limegelé
Whitefish ceviche seasoned with ginger and lemon grass, potato chips and lime gel
SOPPA 15 €
Selleri-kookoskeitto, paahdettua pähkinää ja omenasabayon
Soppa med selleri och kokos, rostad nöt och äppelsabayonsås
Celeriac and coconut soup with roasted nuts and apple sabayon sauce
FISU 33 €
Paistettua päivän kalaa, savusimpukkaravioli ja simpukkavaahtoa
Stekt dagens fiskfångst med ravioli på rökt mussel och musselskum
Fried fish of the day with smoked blue mussel ravioli and mussel foam
PORO 38 €
Poronpaistia, puolukkakastiketta, marinoituja herkkutatteja ja puikulaperunapyreetä
Renstek med lingonbärssås, marinerad karljohansvamp och mandelpotatispuré
Reindeer steak with lingonberry sauce, marinated boletus and almond potato purée
VEGE 28 €
Grillattua punajuurta, cashewkreemiä ja Malmgårdin yksijyvää
Grillad rödbeta med cashewkräm och enkorn från Malmgård
Grilled beetroot with cashew cream and einkorn from Malmgård
Bosgårdin Charolais-nautaa, pekonia, cheddar-juustoa, aiolia, marinoitua punasipulia, BBQ-kastiketta ja maalaisranskanperunat
Charolais nöt från Bosgård med bacon, cheddarost, aioli, marinerad rödlök, BBQ-sås och pommes frites
Charolais beef from Bosgård mansion with bacon, cheddar, aioli, marinated red onion, BBQ-sauce and French fries
saatavilla myös vegaanisena / fås även vegansk / vegan friendly option available
Beyond burger -pihvi (VEG), cheddar-juustoa, aiolia, marinoitua punasipulia, BBQ-kastiketta ja maalaisranskanperunat
Beyond Burger biff (VEG), cheddarost, aioli, marinerad rödlök, BBQ-sås och pommes frites
Beyond Burger patty (VEG), cheddar, aioli, marinated red onion, BBQ-sauce and French fries
Espressovaahtoa, yuzugeeliä ja suklaabavaroisea
Espressoskum med yuzu gelé and chokladbavaroise
Espresso foam with yuzu gel and chocolate bavaroise
Mandariiniparfait, mascarponemoussea ja mandariinilientä
Mandarinparfait med mascarponemousse och mandarinspad
Mandarine parfait with mascarponemousse and mandarine broth
OST 12 €
Kotimaista artesaanijuustoa ja kauden hilloa
Inhemsk ost med säsongens kompott
Finnish artisan cheese with seasonal jam
Lapsille / För barn / For kids
Kaikki ruokalistan annokset pienempinä puoleen hintaan.
Samtliga portioner i mindre storlek för halva priset.
All portions are available in smaller sizes for half the price.
Fyrvaktarens fiskfångst
Lighthouse keeper´s fish catch of the day
Charolais-naudanpihvi, cheddar-juustoa, tomaattia, salaattia ja aiolia
Charolais nöt från Bosgård med cheddarost, tomat, sallad och aioli
Charolais beef from Bosgård mansion with cheddar, tomato, lettuce and aioli
Valitse lisuke: ranskanperunat / vihannekset
Välj en tilläg: pommes frites / grönsaker
Choose one side dish: french fries / vegetables
JÄDE 5 €
Vaniljajäätelöä, kinuskia ja strösseliä
Vaniljglass med karamell och strössel
Vanilla ice cream with caramel and sprinkles
Lisätietoa allergisoivista ainesosista saat henkilökunnaltamme.
Käyttämämme liha on kotimaista ellei muuta mainita.
Allergisk? Fråga oss om vad maten innehåller.
Vi använder finskt kött om inte annat nämns.
Please ask the staff about allergenic ingredients.
We use Finnish meat unless mentioned otherwise.
3 & 6 course menus
4.3. – 3.5.2025
Viinimenu / Vinmeny / Wine menu 42€
Selleri-kookoskeitto, paahdettua pähkinää ja omenasabayon
Soppa med selleri och kokos, rostad nöt och äppelsabayonsås
Celeriac and coconut soup with roasted nuts and apple sabayon sauce
Paistettua päivän kalaa, savusimpukkaravioli ja simpukkavaahtoa
Stekt dagens fiskfångst med ravioli på rökt mussel och musselskum
Fried fish of the day with smoked blue mussel ravioli and mussel foam
Mandariiniparfait, mascarponemoussea ja mandariinilientä
Mandarinparfait med mascarponemousse och mandarinspad
Mandarine parfait with mascarponemousse and mandarine broth
Viinimenu / Vinmeny / Wine menu 42€
Selleri-kookoskeitto, paahdettua pähkinää ja omenasabayon
Soppa med selleri och kokos, rostad nöt och äppelsabayonsås
Celeriac and coconut soup with roasted nuts and apple sabayon sauce
Grillattua punajuurta, cashewkreemiä ja Malmgårdin yksijyvää
Grillad rödbeta med cashewkräm och enkorn från Malmgård
Grilled beetroot with cashew cream and einkorn from Malmgård
Mandariiniparfait, mascarponemoussea ja mandariinilientä
Mandarinparfait med mascarponemousse och mandarinspad
Mandarine parfait with mascarponemousse and mandarine broth
Please let us know in advance if you would like to eat a vegetarian version of our 6 course menu.
Viinimenu / Vinmeny/ Wine menu 69 €
Inkiväärillä ja sitruunaruoholla maustettu siikaceviche, perunasipsejä ja limehyytelöä
Sikceviche smaksatt med ingefära och citrongräs, potatischips och limegelé
Whitefish ceviche seasoned with ginger and lemon grass, potato chips and lime gel
Selleri-kookoskeitto, paahdettua pähkinää ja omenasabayon
Soppa med selleri och kokos, rostad nöt och äppelsabayonsås
Celeriac and coconut soup with roasted nuts and apple sabayon sauce
Ankkarilletteä, ankanmaksamoussea, hunajaglaseerattua briossia ja appelsiinivinegretti
Ankrillette med anklevermousse honungsglaserad brioche och apelsinvinägrett
Duck rillette with duck liver mousse, honey-glazed brioche and orange vinaigrette
Grillattua punajuurta, cashewkreemiä ja Malmgårdin yksijyvää
Grillad rödbeta med cashewkräm och enkorn från Malmgård
Grilled beetroot with cashew cream and einkorn from Malmgård
Poronpaistia, puolukkakastiketta, marinoituja herkkutatteja ja puikulaperunapyreetä
Renstek med lingonbärssås, marinerad karljohansvamp och mandelpotatispuré
Reindeer steak with lingonberry sauce, marinated boletus and almond potato purée
Espressovaahtoa, yuzugeeliä ja suklaabavaroisea
Espressoskum med yuzu gelé and chokladbavaroise
Espresso foam with yuzu gel and chocolate bavaroise